Blue Box (Ao no Hako) Anime Episode 9 Review

Episode 9 of Blue Box is all about how Taiki is feeling after his recent struggles. At the start, Kyo says Taiki is good at getting over things quickly, and in some ways, that seems true. 

Taiki is trying to go back to his usual life like hanging out with friends, studying for finals, and doing other things besides badminton and nationals. But even though he looks okay on the outside, you can tell he’s still upset. He has moments where he’s quiet and clearly thinking about how much it hurts to have failed.

Blue Box Anime episode 9

Things are even harder for Taiki because Chinatsu is doing so well. She keeps winning and is getting ready to go to nationals, and everyone around him is so excited for her. It just reminds Taiki of his own loss, and that’s hard for him. 

He doesn’t blame Chinatsu or get mad at her, but it does make things more confusing for him. Chinatsu used to be the person he looked up to and thought was amazing, but now her success makes him feel even worse about himself.

Blue Box Anime episode 9

This episode also brings the story back to Taiki and Chinatsu’s relationship. They get some sweet moments together that show their feelings are growing. 

Chinatsu comes to take care of Taiki while he’s sick, and she even makes him some yummy udon noodles to help him feel better. Then there’s a funny and awkward moment where they accidentally fall into an embarrassing position together. It’s the kind of thing you see a lot in anime, but here it feels fun and not too silly.

Blue Box Anime episode 9

Some people might say it’s a bit old-fashioned for Chinatsu to play the caring nurse role, but it works here. It shows how kind she is and gives her a chance to talk to Taiki about her own worries. She helps Taiki feel better about his problems too. This makes Chinatsu feel more real and relatable while still being the girl Taiki really likes.

Blue Box Anime episode 9

At the end of the episode, it seems like Chinatsu might be starting to like Taiki back. There’s a moment where she blushes and gently reaches for him, and it feels like she’s beginning to show her feelings. This is a big deal for Taiki. Even though he lost at nationals, it looks like he’s winning when it comes to getting closer to Chinatsu. 
