Blue Box (Ao no Hako) is a romance sports anime currently airing on netflix. Blue Box Episode 8 is out and it is named "Taiki score". I have watched the episode 8 of blue box and here is a review and explanation about blue box episode 8. I will be discussing the story from episode 8 so SPOILER ALERT.
Blue Box (Ao no Hako) Episode 8 Story Explained
The episode 8 of Ao no Hako (Blue Box) starts with a morning scene where Chinatsu has just woke up, she goes downstairs greets Taiki's mother and then finds out Taiki is out in garden full of energy having a workout. Taiki even mentions here that he thought he would be nervous as its his match day but surprisingly he isn't nervous at all and is fully excited for his today's match of badminton.
Chinatsu joins the workout in the garden alongside Taiki and they start to have a conversation about today's match, Taiki today has a doubles match where his partner is Haryu and singles matches are tomorrow, it is also revealed that the chinatsu's basketball match is also the next day which will decide if their team qualifies for inter high or not.
Then the scene shifts to the arena where Taiki and Haryu are having a talk. Haryu decides to watch a match and asks Taiki to come along, the match is of Sachi Highschool's Hyodo. As soon as the pair enters in the arena all the others start buzzing how good Hyodo is. It is also revvealed that Haryu has never beaten Hyodo ever.
Then Hyodo is shown to have a match where the opponents had no chance since start as Hyodo is exceptionally talented at badminton. He wins the match very conveniently.
Next we have the match between Hyodo pair and Haryu pair. It is shown to be an intense match where Hyodo pair always had the upper hand. Taiki was seen to be struggling and his smashes were not getting in, though the audience and even Hyodo was impressed how good Taiki is as a first year. Taiki and Haryu loses the doubles match and they are now out of the tournament. Now we are only left with the singles matches.
The scene shifts to Taiki's house, where taiki is asleep in front of his notebook Taiki wrote a note to himself, "I will definitely get my smashes in". Chinatsu also adds a note below it which Taiki reads when he wakes up "And I'll definitely make my shots".
The next day singles match start where Taiki went out of the tournament within the round 1 itself and his dreams to get to nationals shatters. Then we are shown a scene where Hina tries to cheer up Taiki by having a conversation she also bought him lunch and they had lunch together.
Haryu and Hyodo played the finals match in singles and as usual Hyodo wins this one and Haryu being the runner up. Haryu is not really happy with his performance and says he will crush Hyodo in inter high.
The scene shifts to Taiki's house where Taiki eavesdrop a conversation between Chinatsu and his mother. He get to know that Chinatsu had made it to the inter high.
Blue Box (Ao no Hako) Episode 8 Review
Overall the episode 8 of Blue Box anime was really intense, it started with a cool cheering and energetic vibe where Taiki was excited to play matches. Then we are shown some intense matches where Taiki loses back to back and his dream shatters. Meanwhile we also have a progression with Chinatsu's story where she has now made it to inter high.
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